Monday, February 25, 2008

Nechirvan Barzani with Niclas Trouvé

The following pictures was photographed in Hewler, south Kurdistan (northern Iraq).
Nechirvan Barzani is the Prime Minister of south Kurdistan (Kurdistan Regional Government) and Niclas Trouvé is the Swedish ambassador of Iraq.

"Swedish Village of Kurdistan"

The following pictures is taken close to Shaqlawa, it is a Swedish residential district. A local Peshmerge soldier (Kurdish military) told us that it was under construction and that it was summer cottages in area they will call "The Swedish village" in a near future.

Swedish housemodel in south Kurdistan

The Swedish architecture has reached south Kurdistan (Iraq).
Picture was taken outside of Hewler (close to Sere Resh)

Hotel Chwar Chra

Chwar Chra one of the famouse hotl in Kurdistan region in the north of Iraq the name came from the square in the east of Kurdistan (Iran Kurdistan) of Mahabad city where it is well-known by Kurdish people and those who are familiar of Kurdish history since the first Kurdish president, Qazi Muhammad, with three of his comrades were executed.

The hotel owner is a Kurd from Sweden that recently moved back.

Kurdistan-Sweden Flights resumed

Full article here (article from [12/10/2007])

[CLIP] - Swedish ambassador (Iraq) Niclas Trouve in south Kurdistan

Saturday, February 9, 2008 - Kurdish webmagazine in Swedish won the price "best web periodical page" 2005 and is a wellknown page amoung Kurds in Sweden.

Uppsala Kurdish Human Rights Committee

UKMR is a partypolitically uncommitted organization which works for human rights of the Kurdish people to be respected and to spread information about kurdish people in Kurdistan and in exile.

Members of UKMR is Swedish friends of Kurdistan.

In 1991 SKKMR started an aid project - Qandil - to support the reconstruction of Kurdistan Iraq. The Qandil project gets financial support from SIDA, EU and other international organisations. Health care, water and sanitary projects and dwellings are the most important things hithero.

Picture of the health centre in south Kurdistan, Helebce that UKMR have built a in cooperation with Forum Syd (also financed by Kurdish Student & Academic Association KSAF , Swedish Kurdish association and the Kurdistan Association)