Şivan Perwer (pron: Shivân Parwar) is a Kurdish poet, writer, musical teacher, singer, and performer on the tembûr (lute).
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
The greatest Kurdish artist alive... lived in Sweden!
Posted by Kurdistan and Hayastan at 5:40 AM 0 comments
Labels: sivan perwer uppsala stenhagen sweden isvec kurdistan artist dengbej hunermend helbestvan
The first Kurdish minister in Sweden - Sherif Pascha
Sherif Pascha was a Kurd and worked as a ambassador for the Ottoman Empire in Sweden, Stockholm. He had his office on Kommendörsgatan 32 in central Stockholm (Östermalm).
Sherif worked in Sweden between 1885 and 1905.
Posted by Kurdistan and Hayastan at 5:37 AM 0 comments
Famous Kurds in Sweden!
Posted by Kurdistan and Hayastan at 5:19 AM 0 comments
Labels: famous kurds in sweden
Study Kurdish history in the universities in Stockholm
Di banga çalakvanê kurd de tê gotin ku daxwaz ewê ku Dîroka Kurdîstanê wek dîroka faris û Suryanî/keldanîya di unîversîteyên Swêd de(Stockholm Universitet û Södertörns Högskolan) werê xwendin. Ji bo vê jî divê her niştecîyê kurd yên li Swêd daxwaznameya xwe ji van herdu unîversîteyên Swêdî re birê bikin.
Ji bo vê jî lînkek heye û kesên ku dixwazin tevlî vê bangê bibin û dengê xwe bighînin berspirsê herdu unîversîteyên Swêdî divê têkevin vê lînk.
Piştî ku we pêl lînkê kir we rûpelik nû werê pêşberî we û hûnê navç maîl adres û şîrovaya/nerîna xwe binîvsînin û wek îmza dengdanê birê bikin.

KurdWEBB tevlî banga xortê kurd Gurgîn Bakircioglu dibê û daxwaz ji hemî kurdên swêd ye welatparez dikê ku mil bidin ve kampanyayê da dîroka kurdî di unîversîteyên swêd de wek ders werê xwendin.
Gurgîn Bakircioglu kurê zimanzanê kurd yê navdar Reşo Zîlan e ku gelik lêkolîn û berhemên wî ye hêja di derbarî zimanê kurdî de hene…
Ji bo tevlîbûna kampanyayê vir bitîkînin:
Wêne Gurgin Bakircioglu ji malpêra beyan.net hatîye girtin
Posted by Kurdistan and Hayastan at 5:10 AM 0 comments
The worlds first Kurdish library... in Sweden!
Posted by Kurdistan and Hayastan at 5:05 AM 0 comments
Labels: kurdish library in stockholm sweden kurmancî soranî kurdi isvec kürt
Sweden - Kurdistan
I am, as a Kurd from the beautiful country Sweden, very proud to present this blog. I will try my best to write as much as possible about Swedish-Kurdish friendship.
In south Kurdistan (Iraq), Sweden is a well known country. The Kurdish population in Sweden is estimated to be over 50.000 and many of the Kurds have returned to their motherland after the Iraq-war officially ended.
We can find Swedish schools in Duhok, Swedish flags in Hewler, statue of the former Swedish prime minister Olof Palme in Suleymani and even a Swedish village outside Hewler.
We can find Swedish institutes and centres in all parts of Kurdistan.
We could write thousands of pages about this subject, if I have the time... I will write them for you!
Posted by Kurdistan and Hayastan at 4:44 AM 2 comments